Natalie J. Shook

Education Ph.D. Psychology, Ohio State University (2007)
Major Area: Social Psychology
Minor Areas: Quantitative Psychology, Behavioral Neuroscience

M.A. Psychology, Ohio State University (2003)
Major area: Social Psychology

B.A. Psychology, summa cum laude, University of Texas (2000)

Research Interests The goal of my research is to understand psychosocial factors that influence psychological and physical health, as well as social attitudes. I am particularly interested in negative cognitive processes that underlie depression, anxiety, and pain, and the extent to which mindfulness may improve these conditions. I also study psychological disease avoidance processes (e.g., disgust, germ aversion) and how they shape health, social, and political attitudes and behaviors. Finally, I am interested in mental and physical health disparities experienced by different racial/ethnic, age, sexual, and gender identity groups.
Grant Funding 2021-2022. University of Connecticut, School of Nursing; Dean’s Award for Pilot Research, Innovation, and Scholarship Projects. Identifying Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Black Communities. $5,000 (role: PI).


2020-2021. OVPR COVID-19 Rapid Start Funding Program. Reducing COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy. $10,000 (role: PI).


2020-2025. Health Resources and Services Administration. Scholarships for Health Professions Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds. $1,348,325 (role: Co-I).


2020-2021. UConn Brain Imaging Research Center, Seed Grant. Identifying Neural Pathways Implicated in Older Adults’ Emotional Well-being. $10,000 (role: PI).


2020-2021National Science Foundation; Social Psychology Program. RAPID: Changes in Social Attitudes and Behavior in Response to COVID-19. $182,574 (role: PI).


2020. UConn Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy; Rapid Response to Examine Social and Behavioral Implications of COVID-19. Predictors and Consequences of Preventative Health Behaviors during the COVID-19 Pandemic, $5,000 (role: PI).


2019. American Psychological Association Summer Undergraduate Psychology Research Experience grant. $25,360 (role: PI).


2019Politics and Life Sciences; Disgust and Political Attitudes Special Issue. Testing the Effects of Pathogen Threat and Sexual Strategies on Political Ideology. $1,500 (role: PI).


2017-2018. Texas Woman’s University; Chancellor’s Research Fellow Program. Interpersonal Disgust and the Maintenance of Romantic Relationships. $3,000 (role: mentor/Co-I).


2016. WVU Research Corporation; Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. Effects of Intergroup Contact on Academic Success and Retention in Higher Education. $17,522 (role: PI).


2015-2018. National Science Foundation; Decision, Risk, and Management Sciences Program. The Relation between Decision Making and Valence Asymmetries: A Comparison of Older and Younger Adults, $458,547 (role: PI).


2014-2015. WVU Senate Research Grant. Persistence of Negativity Bias: A Comparison of Younger and Older Adults, $18,500 (role: PI).


2013-2016. NARSAD Young Investigator Grant. A Performance-Based Measure of Negative Cognitive Style for Diagnosis of Depression and Assessment of Treatment Efficacy. $60,000 (role: PI).


2011. E-Support Program for Academic and Research Enhancement. The Effect of Disgust on Prejudice toward Outgroup Members, $500 (role: PI).


2010-2011. VCU Department of Psychology Research Incentive Program Award. BeanFest: An Objective Measure of Negative Cognitive Style, $5,000 (role: PI).


2010. VCU Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Program. The Impact of Interracial Roommate Relationships at VCU, $500 (role: PI).